Monica Leigh Carter
Monica Leigh Carter had her 35th birthday on April 17, 2020. Perhaps you have noticed in several encouragements references to Monica and her promise. Monica was born with what is classified as cerebral palsy due to her mother having cytomegalovirus when she was pregnant. Of the many things that could occur, it seems Monica got them all. The cytomegalovirus resulted in microcephaly, shrinking in the brain, with lesions. Monica is now immobile, and cannot control her arms. Monica’s vision is often impaired, and she has frequent seizures. The enamel on her teeth was even damaged and came off. The devil has tried numerous times to kill her, but for all of Monica’s life God has been her keeper. In many seizures, in respiratory distress or failure, in blood loss due to dental surgery, in dehydration, in elevated or low heart rate, in frequent times that man said she could not survive, God has been her keeper.
The promise of God was proclaimed for Monica since she was a baby. A godly woman came one morning to a church Monica was at as a baby, and testified that God would not let her go to her own church that day, but sent her there. The woman said God had given her a dream of a baby He was going to heal, and that baby was on the back row. It was Monica. Monica’s first pastor, who said he previously had not believed for her healing, said God had shown him a vision of Monica healed, running around the church, although she was still a baby at that time.
Since that time there have been many who have testified of dreams, visions, and promises God had given of her healing. A godly man in Texas said God had shown him that He was filling up a vial in heaven with the prayers for Monica, and when it was full He was going to pour them out on her (will you please help fill it up?). The best blessing was a message and interpretation that was partially recorded one Sunday morning in March of 1998 (we will try to upload it so you can hear it). The tape was not started on time, and the first two words of the interpretation were not caught on the tape, “Doubts and”. The following includes the remaining text;
(Doubts and) … fears have filled the hearts of the mother and of the dad. Yea, but I speak a word unto thee this day as King of kings and Lord of lords; I speak a word unto thee this day, and I say unto thee, look unto Me because I, the Lord thy God, will move all of the doubt and all of the fear from the heart and from the mind, saith the Lord; and you shall be able to see the miracle working hand of the Almighty God even upon this child saith the Lord. It’s nigh at hand, it’s close saith the Lord. Yea, but the doubts and the fears must be removed, and you shall see the miracle come forth saith God; and you shall see this child made whole through the Name and the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; and ye shall know that I am the God of Miracles.
Prepare yourselves saith the Lord, yea, because this story, yea, shall go abroad saith the Lord. Yea, and it shall spread forth the news of the miracle working God. Yea so, so prepare thyself to see it done saith the Lord because I speak a word of encouragement unto thee this morning, that you are in the place, yea, that the miracle will be performed saith the Lord Jesus Christ.
This word was a tremendous blessing because it came from the Lord Jesus Christ, and was so full of promises. From Hebrews 12:2 we know Jesus to be the author and finisher of our faith, and God has promised that He will remove the doubt and fear that the miracle could be seen. This is a promise of the gift of faith! Monica’s miracle will be only for the glory, and honour, and praise, and worship of Almighty God, the God of miracles! It will … spread forth the news of the miracle working God. It will activate faith and belief in the hearts of many individuals.
During a consideration of what it will be like after Monica’s miracle, her early life was remembered. She loved to have someone hold her hands and let her feet touch the floor; she would high step in trying to walk, and sheer joy would be on her face! A full, infectious smile and deep laughter would often engulf everything and everyone around her. Oh, how happy she will be when her miracle allows her to get up and walk! Uncontainable joy, happiness, and laughter will again engulf everything and everyone around her! But the thought occurred; how will we ever get her to sit still through church? After these many years that she has been bound by the enemy we cannot stop the pure joy that she will feel. We will need get in behind her and have what churches used to call a Jericho March!
Photos of Monica over the years are in the accompanying file, that you may get to know her a little bit, and glorify Him when the miracle comes. God has led to include all this for that purpose. Please let God give you His love for Monica, and let that love activate your faith to pray for her and for her family. The enemy attacked her mother with lymphoma, and she passed in April of 2014.